Rude Bingo Calls: Full List of Naughty Numbers

Rude Bingo CallsIf you’re searching for rude bingo calls you have come to the right place.

I have created a list of the smuttiest, naughtiest, sauciest bingo calls I can think of. And I’ve got a good imagination!

You might have to delete your browsing history after this.

Not really.

They may be naughty bingo calls but they shouldn’t get you into hot water if you’re planning a work do. I’ve kept them on the suggestive side rather than being obscene.

Think of them as raunchy enough to raise eyebrows but not indecent enough to make your auntie Jean blush.

Full List of Naughty Bingo Calls from 1-90

List of Rude Bingo Calls

Here you go then, I hope you’re not easily offended. A rude bingo call for every number between 1 and 90:

Number Call
1 Touch my bum, number one
2 Dreaming of you, number two
3 Come kiss me, number three
4 Hardcore, number four
5 Don’t tell my wife, number five
6 Naughty pics, number six
7 Sexual heaven, number seven
8 Not on the first date, number eight
9 Your place or mine, number nine
10 Let’s go again, number ten
11 Take me to heaven, number eleven
12 Pleasuring myself, number twelve
13 Sassy Queen, thirteen
14 Valentines Day
15 Treat me mean, number fifteen
16 Make me scream, sixteen
17 Strawberries and cream, seventeen
18 He’s like a machine, number eighteen
19 Moan and scream, number nineteen
20 Touch me gently, number twenty
21 All night long, twenty-one
22 Let’s try something new, twenty-two
23 Making whoopee, twenty-three
24 Give me more, twenty-four
25 That’s a good size, twenty-five
26 Tickle my bits, twenty-six
27 Engines revving, twenty-seven
28 Penetrate, twenty-eight
29 Sexy time, twenty-nine
30 Dirty thirty!
31 Bedroom fun, thirty-one
32 Hot for you, thirty-two
33 Orgy, thirty-three
34 Clothes on the floor, thirty-four
35 Ride of your life, thirty-five
36 Squeezes and flicks, thirty-six
37 Dirty maiden, thirty-seven
38 Romantic date, thirty-eight
39 From behind, thirty-nine
40 Naughty fourty!
41 Zippers undone, fourty-one
42 Lusting for you, fourty-two
43 Time for a quickie, fourty-three
44 Sock on the door, fourty-four
45 Unzip my flies, fourty-five
46 Nipple clips, fourty-six
47 Freshly shaven, fourty-seven
48 Masturbate, fourty-eight
49 You’re so fine, fourty-nine
50 Fifty and frisky!
51 Very well hung, fifty-one
52 Secret Rendezvous, fifty-two
53 Saucy fantasy, fifty-three
54 Lingerie drawer, fifty-four
55 Between my thighs, fifty-five
56 Chains and whips, fifty-six
57 Firing your weapon, fifty-seven
58 Getting intimate, fifty-eight
59 Orgasm time, fifty-nine
60 Hot and sticky, number sixty
61 Love gun, sixty-one
62 Let’s screw, sixty-two
63 Nudity, sixty-three
64 Mi Amore, sixty-four
65 Come to bed eyes, sixty-five
66 Strip me quick, sixty-six
67 Sexual tension, sixty-seven
68 Impregnate, sixty-eight
69 Everyone’s favourite, sixty-nine
70 Down on your knees, seventy
71 Flavoured condom, seventy-one
72 Sticky tissue, seventy-two
73 Under the sheets, seventy-three
74 Drop your drawers, seventy-four
75 Sexy vibes, seventy-five
76 Friends with benefits, seventy-six
77 Rampant rabbit, seventy-seven
78 Seventy-eight, ejaculate
79 I’ll show you mine, seventy-nine
80 Best I’ve had lately, number eighty
81 Almost done, eighty-one
82 This is taboo, eighty-two
83 Come with me, eighty-three
84 Give me more, eighty-four
85 Duvet dive, eighty-five
86 Knickers ripped, eighty-six
87 Lovely melons, eighty-seven
88 Lubricate, eighty-eight
89 Bump and grind, eighty-nine
90 Tiny but mighty, number ninety

How was that – not hyperventilating are you? Good.

If these are too tame you can use them as a starting point and liven them up. Equally, if any are a bit too close to the line feel free to tone them down.

Hopefully they will be just right though, and you can use them exactly as they are without needing to put in any more work.

Have fun. But behave yourself.