Christmas Bingo Calls for Your Festive Event

Christmas Bingo CallsSo you want to host a Christmas themed bingo event?

Brilliant idea! A festive bingo game always goes down well.

But you’ve realised that coming up with 90 Christmas bingo calls is a tougher task than you thought. Don’t worry, I’ve got you.

Here you will find a complete list of xmas bingo calls from 1-90, ready made for you to steal and claim as your own. I won’t mind. Honest.

Think of me as the Father Christmas of bingo land. You asked me for some Christmas bingo lingo, and as you are on my nice list this year, I have delivered.


Festive Bingo Calls List

Christmas Bingo Calls List

Here you are then, a complete list of Christmas bingo calls:

Number Call
1 A Partridge in a Pear Tree
2 Two turtle doves
3 Three wise men
4 Four calling birds
5 Five golden rings
6 Six geese a-laying
7 Seven swans a-swimming
8 Eight maids a-milking
9 Nine ladies dancing
10 Ten lords a-leaping
11 Eleven pipers piping
12 Twelve drummers drumming
13 Unlucky for some but Santa still comes, thirteen
14 Family routines, number fourteen
15 Watching the Queen, number fifteen
16 Nativity scene, number sixteen
17 Movies streamed, seventeen
18 Santa’s been seen, number eighteen
19 Desert with cream, nineteen
20 Gifts aplenty, number twenty
21 Sleigh ride fun, twenty-one
22 Two little reindeer, twenty-two
23 Christmas Eve Eve
24 Christmas Eve
25 Christmas Day
26 Boxing Day
27 Snowfall heaven, twenty-seven
28 Pile your plate, twenty-eight
29 Bells that chime, twenty-nine
30 Santa’s getting flirty, number thirty
31 New Year’s Eve
32 Gift wrap blues, thirty two
33 Lights on the tree, thirty-three
34 Presents galore, thirty-four
35 Starry skies, thirty-five
36 Festive mix, thirty-six
37 Bird in the oven, thirty-seven
38 Christmas cake, thirty-eight
39 Festive wine, thirty-nine
40 Nothing naughty, number fourty
41 Frosty fun, fourty-one
42 A whiskey or two, fourty-two
43 Merry Christmas to thee, fourty-three
44 Just one more, fourty-four
45 Christmas vibes, fourty-five
46 Elf playing tricks, fourty-six
47 Presents given, fourty-seven
48 Sticky tape, fourty-eight
49 It’s present time, fourty-nine
50 Kiss me quickly, number fifty
51 Jokes and puns, fifty-one
52 Santa’s footprints, fifty-two
53 Down the chimney, fifty-three
54 Knocking on the door, fifty-four
55 Mince pies, fifty-five
56 Santa’s brandy fix, fifty-six
57 Holiday heaven, fifty-seven
58 Snowman’s mate, fifty-eight
59 Reindeer shine, fifty-nine
60 Feeling frisky, number sixty
61 Snowfall has begun, sixty-one
62 From me to you, sixty-two
63 Christmas tree, sixty-three
64 Festive décor, sixty-four
65 Sleigh ride drive, sixty-five
66 Favourite hits, sixty-six
67 Wintery heaven, sixty-seven
68 Mince pies on a plate, sixty-eight
69 Snowfall divine, sixty-nine
70 Santa’s grotto, seventy
71 Turkeys done, seventy-one
72 Christmas brew, seventy-two
73 Carols and glee, seventy-three
74 Stockings on the floor, seventy-four
75 Santa arrives, seventy-five
76 Lego bricks, seventy-six
77 Lucky sevens festive heaven, seventy-seven
78 Kids can’t wait, seventy-eight
79 Pantomime, seventy-nine
80 Santa’s plate, eighty
81 Reindeer run, eighty-one
82 Elves in view, eighty-two
83 Tinsel on the tree, eighty-three
84 Gifts and more, eighty-four
85 Grandma’s arrived, eighty-five
86 Mistletoe kiss, eighty-six
87 In bed by 11, eighty-seven
88 Going for a skate, eighty-eight
89 Almost time, eighty-nine
90 A very full house, number ninety

Feel free to change any calls you don’t like or think could be improved, I won’t be offended. Use this list as it is, use it as a starting point, use it however you like.

The main thing is that you enjoy your event or bingo night or whatever it may be.

Merry Christmas!